Thursday, September 25, 2008

It's not about US ... It's all about Him!

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Fall Retreat '08

Fall Retreat '08 - Know His Character

On September 26-28, West Side Baptist Church - Youth and Children went on our FIRST ANNUAL FALL RETREAT. We left Fitzgerald at 4PM Friday and, after stopping to eat a pizza picnic dinner at around 6PM, we arrived at the FFA FHA Camp in Covington Ga at just after 8PM. By 9PM we were in our meeting room and starting the intro of our lessons.

On Saturday morning we enjoyed a breakfast of grits, eggs, and sausage. Some also had fruit and or cereal, with milk or juice. Class began at 8:30.
We started our first lesson with a taste test. With four volunteers, who could pick out the "Real" Coke between four samples.
The first taste was of Ritz Cola, 3 of the 4 thought it was the "Real" Coke.
Second was COKE Cola, and again 3 of the 4 thought is was the "Real" Coke.
The third sample was Chek Cola, made here in Fitzgerald at Deep South.
The fourth sample was Tonic Water, and ZERO kids thought it was the "Real" Coke.

This was a lot of fun, but with a point. After the taste test, we asked why some of the volunteers liked the other drinks better or thought that the other drinks were the "Real" Coke? and How does that relate to people believing in false gods or not sure they follow the REAL God.
We asked an open question, "How do you know your following the real God?"

The second lesson started with a race. Four children volunteered, each blew up a balloon and on the word go tossed the balloon in the air, put both hands behind their backs, and blew the balloons across the room and back.

It was a close race, and when each team of two finished, we explained what the race represented. The balloons represented us, and the contestants represented the Holy Spirit. We asked the kids what was hard about blowing the balloons in the direction they wanted them to go. They said the balloons didn't want to cooperate and kept falling down. What happened. The volunteers (remember are the Holy Spirit) had to keep picking them up and getting the balloons (us) back on track. We talked about how hard the Holy Spirit has to work to keep us on the right track, and what we can do to make that job easier.

Our third and last lesson began with a skit performed by the teachers that went on the retreat with us. The skit made the point that unless we first know Jesus for ourselves, we can not share him with others. Of course this was done in a fun way where one lady loved food, not Jesus; a man spent his time pursuing relationships with women rather than one with Jesus; two women found joy in shopping, not knowing Jesus; another man found life in books, not Jesus; a grumpy old man kept to himself rather than surrounding himself in Jesus; a drunkard searched for joy in the bottom of a bottle; and finally at the end of our short skit, the young lady finds Jesus with the help of another young lady who knew Him and could tell her how to find Jesus Christ and shared the ABC's of becoming a Christian.

In between class, WE HAD FUN!

We got to play mini-golf, basketball, tennis, volleyball, and ping pong. The children got to play on the paddle boats and the youth were allowed to participate on the Low Ropes course. At the end of the day we were treated with a nice bonfire on the lake. We sang a couple songs and had a moment of invitation, followed by everyone holding hands and taking turns praying.

We had lots of fun in the cabins too. Pouring cold water over the shower curtain on someone while he was taking a shower was a favorite prank in the boys cabin.

Everything went well and we knew we had been blessed by getting to know more about God's character while having such a good time.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Character of God

We are very close to our First Annual Fall Retreat, and the topic of study is "The Character of God".

This has to be the greatest topic to learn about, especially for young and new Christians. I mean who wouldn't want to know more about God the person.

But is it me or does it also seem to be a topic we can not even hope to completely understand it all.

The people closest to me all know I am rather crazy and do stupid stuff all the time. They know I like tattoos and will show the two I have before they can ask. They also know that if I had the money, I'd have about three or four more. They know I tend to get ticked off about things quick and that I am working on keeping my mouth shut till I've had a chance to think about what it is that just ticked me off. They know I love my dogs and hate cats. They know I've never wanted kids of my own, but working with kids a few hours a week is cool. They know I don't focus on marriage or dating and that I am fine with being alone. They know I can't stand church politics and "Christians" attacking Christians is above all else the one thing I can't stand.

But what would they say about my character?

Would the people that know me best describe my character as someone who has a hunger to know the character of God? Would they even describe me as a Christian at all?

I hope and pray that as the lessons for the retreat are written, that the parents of our youth and children, that the teachers of our Sunday school classes, can take this journey with me. I hope they can not only see what the lessons will be, but will also take the time to open their minds and hearts and allow God to share something with them as well.

This is a church growing and thus, experiencing some major growing pains. We have to be not only tolerant of each other, but encouraging for what the other person is doing to try and spread the message of Christ.

One thing was said at the Sunday school convention at Norman Park that really has stuck with me. He said, "The backdrop to the Holy Gospel is a group of people that LOVED one another."

This may be the one characteristic of God that is mentioned or talked about the most in the Bible: and therefore, maybe considered the most important. The Fruit of the Spirt in Galatians 5:22-23 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." * * Note * * Love is first on the list.

I challenge everyone that reads this, especially the members of my church, to take a hard look at themselves, and ask "do I love people?"

The truth, I don't love people as much as I should. If I did, I wouldn't get mad so quick, I'd evangelize more, I'd be a brighter shining light pointing the lost to the road of forgiveness and hope.

Lets all be in prayer that God will heal us, and that He will raise us up to truly loving each other, not the fake stuff we sometimes throw out there.

Peace out my homies.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

RA's - Start of a New Year

2 Corinthians 5:20 (NAS)
Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an
appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God

We have started a new church year and I, with the help of Terry Harper, have been given the pleasure to teach the young RA class. We have 1st graders up to 5th graders.

We have started working toward earning our RA patches. One of the first patches we are going to start working toward is the Camp Craft badge. It is going to be a lot of fun and a great opportunity for the boys to do something with their dads. I look forward to presenting our class with their first patches.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Two Sides to a Church

These past few months have been a large challenge for me at church.

Though I like everyone there, I feel that "church politics" is being allowed to kill us. I have said many times that there are two sides to any church, the spiritual side and the business side.

The spiritual side is what we as Christians are drawn to and called to church for. We attend the church of our choice, with like minded believers, to receive spiritual nourishment. Just as the body requires nourishment to carry on its daily activities, survive, and prosper; so does the spirit require nourishment to carry on its daily activities (sharing and being a light to the dark and lost world), survive (no the spirit won't die, but it's fire can be quenched), and prosper (just like the body grows, so does the spirit grow as it is sanctified in Christ).

The business side is what keeps the lights on, but has no place dictating what the church does or doesn't do spiritually. Church business can become a distraction from the true business of the church, reaching the lost. Church politics can divide a church faster than anything and is in my opinion the number one tool used by Satan to attack people trying so hard to conform to the ways of the Lord.

It is this division I am speaking of where I feel our church is being attacked using church politics to separate our members. Differences strike and hatred is the result. Even if we only allow ourselves a taste of hatred, the damage is done.

How many of us can say the relationships with our friends are the same or have grown stronger since engaging ourselves in "church politics"? Not many I am sure.

This past weekend it was mentioned that some people find themselves trying to work their way into heaven. We are taught in Ephesians 2:8-10 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

But I poss the question, is one making the acquisition that another is found boasting? (If so please read Matthew 7:5)

Yes, we have been responsible for cleaning the church, cutting the grass, cleaning the yards, painting some Sunday school classes, and many other chores around the church. But have we boasted about it? Have we made comments that our place in heaven is secured because of the work we have done? No, we have not, and I do take offence to such insinuations.

God had given us all as Christians a servant's heart. Psalm 100:2 "Serve Jehovah with gladness: Come before his presence with singing."

My father has said many times that the church is ours to take care of and if someone is able, then we should not waste the money God has blessed us with by being lazy and not taking care of our blessings.

Matthew 6:24
No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Either we will meet at a place we call "church" for the spiritual side of church; or we will gather for business meetings.

John 12:26
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will the Father honor.

I write this blog not to call anyone out, not to upset anyone, and not to push any issues or persons I find at fault in our church. I write this to express my hope, desire, and prayer that our church will turn away from our business mindset and run to the open arms of the Father who loves us and wishes nothing but the best for us.

Rather than pushing each other down, let us pick each other up. Those that can, let them develop a servant's heart and with all good works let the glory be God's. And those that are not able to serve physically, let them be the back bone, the moral support and loving guidance we need.

1 Timothy 3:10
And let these also first be proved; then let them serve as deacons, if they be blameless.

I write this with much concern for the future of our church and the expressed desire to stay out of "church politics". I write this in trust that God will lay His hand on our church and direct us in the way He would have us go.

Brian Argabright

Monday, September 8, 2008

WOW!! for the Youth

The Youth and Children's Department has been very busy working on many fundraisers to allow us to go on a few trips. The first fundraiser we did was a car wash. The support from the community was shocking. Then we had a lunch one Sunday after church. The support from the church was very nice. The latest fundraiser we had was selling BBQ plates for $6 each. Each ticket sold invited people to church and the children sold tickets like professionals. We sold tickets for nearly 700 plates. Part of the success was that we had volinteers to deliver plates to businesses for lunch. We could have used more drivers, but it went over pretty well. Then for dinner, people could come pick up their plates and we had like a drive-thru set up. Some bought extra plates, and we came close to serving 800 plates by the time the night was over.
Receiving a prize for being our top sellers were brothers Tyler and Taylor, each selling 74 BBQ plates. WOW!!!
There are two more fundraisers scheduled before we go on our First Annual Fall Reteat, where we will be studing the character of God.
We have been blessed in so many ways with the children's ministry in ways such as support, a growing Y/C department, and new families joining our church in membership. Everyday we should be in prayer thanking God for these blessings, none of which we deserve but that He desires to give us.