Y.E.C. 2009 was great to say the least. One part, in particular, I fell in love with was the Skit Guys. I encourage everyone to check them out online at, you guessed it, www.skitguys.com - or you can to go to my facebook page and check out some of the links I've posted.
But I have to say that the speakers both said things that really made me think. One thing was that the church is full of NOT so PERFECT people, but is centered around a PERFECT God.
How often do we let what one person says or what one person might do push us to a point of disgust. I can say that nearly every time I wake up and say I am not going to live in a state of anger or allow myself to be discouraged by someone at church, that "Oops I did it again." should be my theme song. I can fly off the handle faster than anyone I know and I can go to the furthest extremes with that anger than anyone I know. I mean, if it was a talent I would be a star.
LOL, I guess I am also one of those "NOT so PERFECT people". I know, shocking isn't it? I can hardly believe it myself.
But we all point at someone else when there is a problem or when things don't go our way. I know I am not alone in that. In John 14:6 Jesus said He is the way. So why are we surprised when things don't go our way?
Then later one of the speakers asked if when things don't go our way, do we jump to another church. Are we dating the church, like "Oh, you broke my heart so I am going to start seeing another church"? And I have to say there has been more that once (okay, more than 100) times when jumping to another church sounded like a great idea. But it would have been my idea, my way.
And they asked if church was your "hobby". Now I have to say that this comment threw me a little. I know what a hobby is, but I don't really know that I have one, other than doing stuff for one of the classes I teach or helping with some project going on. I really feel that I spend all my free time doing something related to the church.
That sounded nice didn't it. "I do so much for the church." But here is why it bugs me. How much of that "work" am I doing for God? How much of that am I doing because "my way" says it needs done and I am the only one who can or will step up? How much of that "work" is me showing all my church brothers and sisters what a great person I am? How much do I promote myself, and my church, over my God?
How much?
More than I know I am sure.
Y.E.C. is targeted to the youth, but I am way past that age and am grateful I too was given a lesson. I too walked away with something to apply to my life, and something I could share with my friends.
Let me know what you think. If you can relate to this or think I'm off my rocker, drop me a line.
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